Odessa Elementary School

12810 Interlaken Road • New Port Richey, FL 34655
Phone: (727) 246-3700 • Principal: Scott Atkins

Odessa Elementary School

Principal: Scott Atkins
12810 Interlaken Road
New Port Richey, FL 34655
Phone: (727) 246-3700

Odessa Elementary School
Principal: Scott Atkins
Assistant Principals:
Samantha Landers
Krista MacNeill
12810 Interlaken Road
New Port Richey, FL 34655
Phone: (727) 246-3700

Pay Online for Student Meals with the MySchoolBucks website

Parents and families can take advantage of paying for their students’ meals online. Paying for meals online saves you valuable time! Create an account with MySchoolBucks online.

SSYRA 2024-2025 Grades 3-5

Great news for grades third-fifth as the SSYRA quizzes are ready to go! How many will you read this school year? Log into MyPascoConnect, click on MyLearning and accept the invitation to join the Sunshine State Quizzes Grades 3-5 ODES 24-25. Please reach out to Mrs. Mulroy, smulroy@pasco.k12.fl.us, with any questions. Happy reading!


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